Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Observation #2 Driving in Japan makes no sense at all

First of all, driving is Japan is scary enough without having to think about the lack of street names, stop and give way signs. Sure you‘re only doing 40km/h but when the streets are so narrow and theres cars coming at you, it sure is scary.

Today, I went to Wako Kokosai High School with Mayu, where I was swarmed with Mayu‘s friends, calling me ‘kawaii!!‘ and ‘she‘s so cute! ^__^‘
Kawaii wasnt the only thing I was called today, after introducing myself in Japanese to the entire teaching staff, homeroom and two english classes i thought people would know my name, but somewhere, lost in translation, a teacher was calling me ‘Benjamin‘. Hahahahaha. No doubt,me and a student who had lived in England for 7 years whose english was fabulous, thought it was hilarious. 

But not to worry, I soon corrected him and returned to my teaching, reading aloud to the class. Also, who would have thought it would be so hard to answer such simple question like ‘are there many Jews in Australia?‘ and ‘what is the difference between wander and wonder?‘

After school, Mayu, Ana, Kotomi and myself went to Games Centre and got very cool AZN photos done (will post later) then went to a giant book/dvd/comic/games building where i bought Mario Party for $25. (who cares if it is all in Japanese)

Now we are just chilling at home waiting for dinner. Off to school again tomorow, then who knows...

Missing Australia and all my friends and family

1 comment:

  1. ah how i love the convenience of blogspace and telling stories lol

    i miss you! come back soon ok :) ^^

    hope your having a wonderful time jimin :)
