Saturday, July 11, 2009


So last Tuesday Sam and I went formal dress shopping with her mum. So we went to the shops in Rocky and bought her dress (which she looks fabulous in by the way) and whilst I was sitting there watching her try on dress after dress I got totally jelous because I want my formal dress :( but i have to wait until my mother dearest has time to make it. But I have total and complete faith in her, that she will make me the best formal dress ever. And well, she made my sisters formal dress and by family rule, she has to make mine aswell. I want mine to be based on the $15,000 Valentino worn by Blair on her 17th Birthday party on Gossip Girl- Season 1.

Totally hot right? And Alex is planning our arrival and all that business so I'll leave that up to him. How exciting :D

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