Sunday, July 26, 2009


Mr Scheinkoff (Sam!) and Lambchops (me!)

SO the musical is finally over! All our weeks and weeks of rehearsals, preparation, dancing and singing has finally paid off. We finished this weekend with three great shows. Friday night was OK, the crowd wasnt really into it, but I got the best surprise when my sister turned up backstage to surprise me, (she lives in Port Douglas, I had no idea she was coming) and she bought me a big bunch of flowers! She's lovely. My mum had secretly bought tickets for her and Courtney. Sneaky lady! Then my crowd was coming on the Saturday night, Mum (again), Pat, G'ma, Harley, Paul, Lea, Bree and Beth. It was a great night. The Sunday matinee wasn't too bad, the crowd was better than Friday nights' and we gave it all we got, and trust me, theres wasnt much left to give. Now that its over, I'm probably finally going to get sick. Was very fluey Friday, bad throat Saturday then all congested Sunday, and I couldnt really talk when I woke up this morning. It truly has taken its toll on me. And my hair! Four nights of hair teasing and a litre of hairspray, I'm going to have to train it all over again :(

And now that its over? Life goes back to normal. I go back to working two jobs, schooling, normal eating habits and hanging out with my friends/boyf.

Life is good :)

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