Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Paris is Burning.

So I safely arrived in Port Douglas. Took me two planes to get here and one really good book. I finished "Guitar Highway Rose" which I'm pretty upset about because I didnt expect to finish it so quickly, so I didnt bring my back-up book "The Push". >_< Dang. Oh well. Im going to have to amuse myself some other way on the trip back. But Sam was right, it was a really good book. It made me want to runaway and find a cool indie boyfriend but then I'm like hey, wait up, I already have all the independance I desire. But still, a lovely book.

This week will be awesome. Going horseriding on a beach tomorow arve. Then shopping in Cairns all day friday, then scuba diving on the GBR on Saturday. Im currently chilling out in the apartment but I hope Courtz and Sam get home soon. Im starving. And I need to pee. But there's no toilet paper. I think I can hold out until they get back. They're bring the toilet paper after all. Im going to have to amuze myself with 'The Biggest Loser' until their return. Yippee.

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